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When people around you don't get it. #schoolownerjourney #shittydays #strongertogether #upgradeyourlife #uplevelyourteachingbusiness boss dreamlife schoolmanagement schoolowner Nov 06, 2023

Have I told you about how my family reacted when I told them about my plans to increase my prices by 85% at my school in 2018? 

Hehe, I didn't, as I purposefully didn't tell anyone... 

That year was the first time I understood how my happiness and peace of mind were key...

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Build a Fantastic Student Onboarding Process and Avoid the Overwhelm as a Teaching Business Owner academicyear onboarding schoolmanagement schoolowner Sep 19, 2022

As the owner of a dance studio, a language school, a music school, a creative club, the first few weeks and months of new students make or break your whole year.

A great onboarding process will save you an immense amount of time and stress; it will make it clear to your students, where to find...

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