#14 - Prevent Student Dropouts at Your School

This is the podcast version of my youtube video: https://youtu.be/LAO6-8yDg5A

This episode will walk you through some vital steps I’d take every 3 months to check in with the students at my teaching business and avoid dropouts.


I talk about short term actions like

1. Surveying students (their parents)

2. Creating a Dropout Risk List


And long-term strategies like

1. Being clear and firm in your terms & conditions

2. Being transparent about your goals and that of your teachers to create a safe environment


Platforms I recommend for

Student-teacher and parent-teacher communication in case of kids: classdojo.com

Student-teacher communication: Edmodo.com


If you have any QUESTIONS about the above actions or platforms, come and post in our Stronger Together community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/516039902474406

If you need HELP and want to jump on a FREE 30-min Clarity session with me, click here: https://www.jumpstartyourschool.com/site/contact

If you’ve already used up your clarity session, you can reserve a 1-to-1 MENTORING session or a 5-session package here: https://www.jumpstartyourschool.com/site/contact

I teach the complete Dream Student Nurture Cycle in my JUMP program: https://www.jumpstartyourschool.com/offers/AkVKWz3x/checkout

To get my Monday Drops – “Your weekly business nutrition” emails, you can request them here: https://www.jumpstartyourschool.com/monday-drops Thank you for following along!