Becoming a Professional School Owner

#howtogetstarted #schoolownerjourney Mar 14, 2018

When I started out I gave classes as a private teacher, aiming at all the public, without restriction to age, interest, language level and objective.

Though always with a dream at the back of my mind to once have students that are all the same type, the age and type I like teaching, people that fit my teaching and working style best.

This did not happen naturally though. I had to take time to define my offerings. But even before that, had to find out who I am offering to.


This was the first step:


Defining my avatar. (Your customer avatar is your ideal client)

And to be honest this was the easier part.


Then I had to find a way to


Communicate it.

In the language my clients understood, which was different from my internal one. How did I do that? First of all, I took a step back. And then another one, and one more.


I started with my own mission statement.


Why? Because I firmly believe that you should do what you're best at! I needed to know where I started from. And took my passions and expertise as the basis of building the direction I wanted to head to.

To give it a solid frame, I reached out to a true expert, Franklin Covey, and used his mission statement builder (I remembered this from a course I had done during my corporate years). It gave me strong guidance and stable ground to work on. I use it from time to time. The last time I used it was more than 4 years ago, and it is still relevant, a point I can reach back to, whenever I need to find a way back to my balance.


Build your own mission statement today!


Take your time, this is the first, vital step towards becoming a professional school owner. Once you're done you will be ready to build your avatar and communicate it. I will soon bring you practical tools for that.


7 Days to Academy Bliss - The Secret Podcast Series

If you're not a member but eager to elevate your academy, 7 Days to Academy Bliss is your perfect next step! Check it out if you feel you have an amazing academy but you deserve more, your family deserves better, and your kids deserve more of you.

I look forward to seeing you inside.

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