Your Legacy Lives On

#dreamclient #dreamstudent dreamlife Jul 01, 2024

On Saturday, I took a stroll along the beach and unexpectedly ran into Fabio, a former student of mine. He was there with his sister and parents, all smiles and waves. Fabio is now 14, a long way from the 8-year-old who first joined our academy. After three years with us, his parents had some changed at their work, and unfortunately, our prices were no longer something they could afford. Despite loving our method, they declined a scholarship out of fairness to others. I recommended another school that used a similar method but was more affordable.

Fabio’s parents told me he signed up with the recommended school and is thriving. His English is now exceptional, and he's on track to finishing his exams. They're planning exciting adventures for him, and investing more now that they are doing better financially, like a year abroad or a summer exchange program.

This same weekend, Miracle, another former student who studied with us from ages 9-13, stayed at our Airbnb. She’s become close friends with my stepdaughter. Miracle shared hilarious stories about her high school year in Ireland, including navigating the challenge of switching host families. Despite some complications, she showed incredible resilience and found a solution to stay the entire year—all at just 15.

Both Fabio and Miracle, along with their families, were among my dream clients. Though our paths diverged, parting ways was painful at the time. It felt like losing a dream client because of financial constraints or deciding to close the academy and stepping back from their lives was a huge letdown. I felt I owed them more.

Now, I see things differently. I realize I gave them my very best during those years together. Those years transformed their approach to education, set high expectations, and instilled in them the ability to look for the best solutions for their kids. They learned not to shy away from investing in quality education when they could afford it and knew what to expect for their money.

These families continue to provide exceptional educational opportunities for their children—a path I showed them first.

As my friend Joey puts it, as educators and service providers, we’re driving a bus. Whoever is ready to hop on is welcome, whether for a few stops or the entire journey.

Sometimes, we must switch gears or even tweak the final destination to align with our own goals, dreams, family plans, and professional calling. Even dream clients may get off the bus, but that doesn't mean we haven't fulfilled our mission. No matter how brief their ride, our legacy lives on in the seeds we've planted that might change their lives for good.

Thank you for being on my bus. Thank you for continuing to find value in what I share, despite the turns and gear changes along the way. I'm grateful for your company and glad to impact your life and that of your students in both subtle and significant ways.

This bus is ready to speed up again! Tomorrow, we're coming together for the "Bring in Your Next Paying Students" workshop in JUMP.

If you're not a member but eager to elevate your academy, 7 Days to Academy Bliss is your perfect next step! Check it out if you feel you have an amazing academy but you deserve more, your family deserves better, and your kids deserve more of you.

I look forward to seeing you inside.

Have a fantastic week.


7 Days to Academy Bliss - The Secret Podcast Series

If you're not a member but eager to elevate your academy, 7 Days to Academy Bliss is your perfect next step! Check it out if you feel you have an amazing academy but you deserve more, your family deserves better, and your kids deserve more of you.

I look forward to seeing you inside.

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