First Steps to Starting Your Online School

#howtogetstarted Jun 25, 2018

by Sarah Waddington

I must confess, when I first started my online teaching business ‘Teatime English’ a year ago, I really didn’t know what I was doing. I am pretty terrible with both technology and organising projects, which were both necessary skills! I had to learn quickly.

There’s so much to learn and I don’t think the learning will ever stop. I’m still making mistakes but I learn from them – which is the main thing!

Here are three of my favourite websites for my teaching business. I recommend that you start with these and build from there!



If you haven’t got one already, you’ll need to choose your business name. I chose mine through a process of:

  • researching other similar brands and their names.
  • keeping it short.
  • keeping the keyword ‘English’ in there.
  • giving the impression I wanted for my brand (British/friendly)
  • asking others for advice!

Next, you need to check if your desired domain is available. I found GoDaddy really easy to use and really reasonably priced. My domain cost just $15.



This site is perfect for people like me who are not great with technology, code and design. I highly recommend that you start by watching all of Louise Henry’s (Solopreneur Sidekick) Squarespace tutorials on YouTube. I ended up buying Louise’s Squarespace website building course for $497 and it was totally worth it. If you are great with technology, you may not need a course or you may decide to use WordPress. However, I didn’t really know where to start so I needed some help. A Squarespace site costs just 10 per month too!



I could not do any of this without Canva! This is an incredible site that makes graphic design so easy. You can select from their beautiful selection of templates and create promotion material, website graphics and even design your logo. The best thing about Canva is that it is free!


There is so much more to be said about these three easy-to-use and reasonably priced websites, but for now, I hope this post at least gives you a starting point so that you can start making your business dreams a reality.


Good luck!



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