The Moment of Truth

#hiring #schoolownerjourney Dec 28, 2018

I had to let go of one of my teachers right before Christmas.

It was a real tough decision. I had my internal debate about the limits of my school and my students, but finally, it hit me: I was risking too much.

I had hired her in August. She is hilarious and a hard worker. She is also very young, and was new to teaching at a high-paced, successful school, along with teachers with decades of experience. I trusted my gut feeling. I knew my new teacher was not ready at that point.

But I was confident she could make it with my help and guidance. I wanted to give an opportunity to a newbie. But I also have to provide the service I had promised to deliver.

She had her ups and downs, but up until the last days before Christmas I still trusted things would change and would take a turn. I wanted it to work.

But I was feeling tired. I had the feeling I can never stop being alert. I could not devote my time and energy to new developments of the academy. All my efforts were drained up in daily operations, which should not be the case. I merely got to the point where I was risking more than I should.


Our students deserve a person who is genuinely there for them.


My team deserves a colleague they can count on.


I deserve a team member who puts their heart into my fantastic school.


I was rooting for her until I could, now it’s time to move on and turn towards a new start.

December is the time of the year for me when I am the truest to myself. Maybe it is Christmas, or the end of the year coming closer; at this time of the year, I tend to listen to myself at a deeper level than at other times. It always helps me get new energy for the upcoming year, and boost me for the rest of the academic year.

I usually declutter my home, my school and look at who I am surrounding myself with. I also might make some decisions that seem harsh and radical. But in the end, those decisions have already been there for a good while. I had nurtured them before they came to light.

I encourage you to take the time to look more deeply.

Is there a change you need for you to do better?

Is it physical, mental, people related?

Is it about your school, your team, yourself?

What change will you make to boost your confidence and motivation for making 2019 your best year ever?

7 Days to Academy Bliss - The Secret Podcast Series

If you're not a member but eager to elevate your academy, 7 Days to Academy Bliss is your perfect next step! Check it out if you feel you have an amazing academy but you deserve more, your family deserves better, and your kids deserve more of you.

I look forward to seeing you inside.

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