Turn Your Overwhelm Into Actions - School Owners That Rock!

#overwhelm #schoolownerjourney #shittydays May 12, 2020

Remember I have asked you a few days ago to start writing down your most burning questions?

I have done the activity and have identified 40 burning questions regarding the future of my academy.

Above is a wordcloud I created with all the questions included.

When you look at it, it's totally overwhelming, right?

Yet, luckily this is not the way you have to look at your questions.

You shouldn't look at them all at once. Because your brain will explode and you will try to escape from even the thought of starting to sort things out.

I wrote down 40 burning questions.

And checked them one by one.

  • I was able to answer 18 of them straight away.
  • 8 of them ended up being irrelevant based on the 18 answers I have given before.
  • And I am now left with 14 questions that are indeed high priority and need my attention the soonest possible.

Working down 40 questions to 14 is quite an achievement! Especially in the time of total uncertainty.

I recommend you to do it today, at least writing the questions down. Get the ball rolling.


Why am I insisting on this?


Because if you don't get those questions out of your head, to face them once and for all, you will be too tired to do it when your moment comes.


  • You will be too exhausted when your government finally gives you all the guidelines.
  • You will have fully consumed all your energy by the time you are free to make decisions.


Keeping yourself in insecurity is tiring. And the insecurity around us makes us procrastinate even on questions we are already able to answer.

Not all the answers are subject to a government decision or official safety guidelines. The majority of the answers are there, already in you. You just have to get them out.

And to most of them, only YOU will know the answer. Not the government, not your spouse, not your colleagues, not your clients, not me, but you.


By not facing them now, you are just making yourself work harder at a later date. When everything might need to be done in a rush.


Today, at our Day 0 Early Bird Call we have started to dig into these questions with the participants.

They came confused and overwhelmed and left with a clear action plan for the coming days.


This is what I am inviting you to do, each day of the Defy & Thrive Challenge.


Come and bring your doubts and maybe confusion, and leave with a clear, actionable plan each day.



Define how, when and whether to reopen your physical school.
Create a detailed, 4-month plan for your brand.



Forget fishing for new students, prepare for waiting lists!

Learn through the examples of 6 top-performing schools.


Become clear on how much money you want to make and how you will do it.

How to answer all price objections - Learn to answer through 7 real-life price objections.


You will define your day-to-day plan for the coming months.

You will be able to communicate your plan to your team and to your community too.



In just one week, your overwhelm of super burning, unanswered questions will be transformed into a plan. With deadlines and clear action items.

I am beyond excited to be able to help you with that.

If you are as excited as I am, come and join me now and I see you this Friday at Day 1.


How can I be so sure that this works?

Well, I know you have been successful with your school for years. You don't need me to tell you how to do that.

But you might be a little stuck right now, you might need someone to remind you of the important points not to miss, someone to hold your hand in this process.

This is what I am offering you now. With my personal guarantee.

Should you not be satisfied with what you get, just let me know before the end of Day 7 and you'll get back all what you've paid. You will be asked no questions.


In addition to all this, by joining, you not only help yourself, but you also support quality education coming to kids that otherwise wouldn't be able to access it. 6% of what you spend will immediately go to Kipepeo and as a thank you gift you will receive a unique face mask.

So what do you think? Are you ok with me holding your hand?


Yes, I want to turn my overwhelm into actions!


Thank you for your time, as always.

Have a great evening!




7 Days to Academy Bliss - The Secret Podcast Series

If you're not a member but eager to elevate your academy, 7 Days to Academy Bliss is your perfect next step! Check it out if you feel you have an amazing academy but you deserve more, your family deserves better, and your kids deserve more of you.

I look forward to seeing you inside.

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