Your Money Mindset, Your Worth!

#getpaidwhatyoureworth #money #moneymindset #pricing Mar 27, 2022

Est. reading time: 5 minutes - thank you for devoting this time to YOUR GROWTH today 💛


We are getting close to the time of the year when brand owners review their prices and structure and get started to prepare for the coming academic year.

For the first years of running my school, this was the time of the year when I confirmed to myself I was broke again and had to see how I could avoid it in the coming year...

Was I broke because we didn't make much money?

In the first year, definitely yes! But later, not necessarily. I'm the typical person who makes money easily, but that money goes away very fast! And don't imagine luxury bags here, in my case, it was always a "too nice" platform for my website, a "too big" party for my students, a "too good" camera for my videos, a pay rise given to my team that in reality, I couldn't afford... And then, when I was already broke, I'd definitely get an unexpected tax bill. I mean, how can it be unexpected when I know clearly, that here in Spain, you pay taxes every 3 months, and I even know the percentage I was due to pay. Still, I didn't have it stored in my mind that it was coming for real...

You might be in one of the above situations right now, so I brought you some of the best practices that worked for me to move away from being or feeling broke...

And I did not invent them! I follow an amazing woman on everything about money. Her name is Denise Duffield-Thomas, she has been my money mentor for the last 5 years, and I'm eternally grateful to her! She taught me how careful we have to be about our internal "conversations" about money.....



1. You're not destined for being broke or not managing money well. These are all just stories in your mind.

BEFORE, my internal conversation was: "I've made so many mistakes around money; I don't deserve to be wealthy, or even to break even."

NOW, my internal conversation is: "My money past doesn't determine my money present and my money future." I tell this to myself every single day.


2. "More money doesn't solve money blocks." Getting a loan is a temporary solution.

My BEFORE conversation: "If only I'd get a few thousands of $ extra to get through this year....If only I had 15 more students..."

NOW my internal conversation is: "What is the next step I can take towards ensuring I make $ xxxxx every month regularly?"


3. "You don't have to choose between helping people and making money."

BEFORE: "I am an educator; I'm not in it for the money."

NOW: "Givers need more money than takers. I am safe to make and have great money so that I can make a greater difference in the world."


4. "Have you ever paid everyone else before you paid yourself?" Oh, I did this AAAAALLLLL the time!

My BEFORE conversation was: "I have to pay everyone else, and I can only get paid if there's something left."

NOW: "I can only take care of everyone around me if first I take care of ME being alright!"


5. "You shouldn't imagine yourself as a different person when you will be wealthy." This is so cool!

BEFORE, these were my thoughts: "I will be worth more money when my hair will be done every day." "I will be worth more money when I'll be slimmer." "I will be worth more money when my home will be cleaner and more organized." "I will be worth more money when my processes are more automated, and everything will run perfectly."

NOW: I look in the mirror every day - and even more when I feel like sh*t, and say: "This is what a wealthy woman looks like!" I look at my current business and say, "This is what a $ xxxxxxx business looks like." So I believe TODAY that I am ready and worth it!

These are just a few tricks I have learned from Denise, write down your own versions and implement them into your daily routine. And if you don't have a routine, just repeat them whenever you remember. There's no perfect way of doing this; just get started!

There are also many more elements I have been adding to the above ones already, which are more specific to running a teaching business! I brought them to you at our March Mastermind in LIVE Club.

Mastermind sessions are free to all LIVE club members, so if you are a member, just click here to watch the replay.

If you're not a LIVE Club member yet, you can get started right now , just CLICK HERE >> once you become a member, you can watch the replay of this mastermind session. In fact, it's worth joining, even if just for this event. What you'll get is worth way more...

It's a cancel-anytime membership; you really have nothing to lose.

Let me finish with a quote from one of Denise's books:

"Money is just a symbol for your life. It's a symbol of how well you treat yourself. Imagine that your income is exactly proportional to your level of self-love. What does your current income say about that?"

I'll leave it here for you to reflect on. I ALWAYS love hearing back, so please do let me know if this email resonated with you. And, I'll see you on Thursday! Thank you for coming along!

Thank you for following along, have a fantastic day!

7 Days to Academy Bliss - The Secret Podcast Series

If you're not a member but eager to elevate your academy, 7 Days to Academy Bliss is your perfect next step! Check it out if you feel you have an amazing academy but you deserve more, your family deserves better, and your kids deserve more of you.

I look forward to seeing you inside.

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